Friday, 9 September 2011

Animal Kingdom Welfare

Animal Kingdom Welfare – serving disowned and stray cows and other animals

Animal kingdom being an important part of nature is at the core of Babaji’s heart. He always emphasizes on being in harmony with nature, to lead a complete and fulfilled life. He says that to maintain harmony the trilogy of Man, Animal and Plants should co-exist. Wherever Babaji is you will find him surrounded by all kinds of animals. In the ashram you can see dogs and cats roaming around him with more than equal rights. Even when he goes out he seems to attract stray animal who throng him as if asking for food and also the divine unconditional love that he radiates.

This genuine love and care extends, amongst other animals, also to cows. In the land of lords - India, Cow is given the highest respect and regarded as mother goddess because of its calm nature and sense of giving. It is lovingly known as ‘Gao Maa’ as it serves the entire humanity by providing milk. In fact it has been found in our scriptures that cow gets incarnated into a human being in its next life. Thus one gets abundantly blessed by providing unconditional service to this universal mother. GuruMa has made it her mission to give shelter to abandoned, aged, weak, non productive cows which are often saved from slaughter houses. There is very large cow shelter in Rajasthan, where acres and acres of green land has been dedicated by Babaji & Ma for open grazing of Cows. Cows are not tied during any time of the day and when the hay and feed is prepared they quietly assemble, eat the feed and go back to the open skies. It’s a heaven on earth for the cows where old and non productive cows come and become healthy and to everyone’s surprise also start producing milk.

Cow protection in today’s time is becoming more and more of a scientific agenda. The healing properties of cow dung and urine or Goumoutra as mentioned in ancient Hindu scriptures is now scientifically established through research conducted by doctors at the cow-protection commission indicating the possible cure of anything from skin diseases, kidney and liver ailments to obesity, heart ailments and even cancer. Cow’s urine prevents free radicals inducing tumour cell growth.

Listed below are some properties responsible for anti cancer results:

DNA repairing potential, Lymphocytes’ protection, Antioxidant, killing microbes in various viruses, Anti free radicals, bioenhancing i.e reducing dosage & duration of anti cancer drugs.

Other uses include the Increase of Immunity. Simple wounds are found to heal faster with cow’s urine than the use of antiseptic creams. Such are its antiseptic properties. Its own medicinal value and also that with other medicinal herbs is well established.

World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as a combination of physical, mental, spiritual and social wholeness. Its also predicts that bacteria will become immune to antibiotics by the year 2020. However, Panchagavya – milk, curd, ghee, cow urine and cow dung has excellent medical qualities individually as well as a concoction, without any adverse side-effect. If under some medication, consumption of panchagavya acts as a catalyst. Ayurveda also actively uses cow products as medicine.

Health from Panchagavya :

  • Cow Milk is the best life strengthener. While Casin protein in milk helps growth of infants, calcium and sulphur strengthen our bones. Milk is also rich in vitamins D and B-complex.
  • Cow Curd arrests diarrhoea, controls fat, and resists cancer.
  • Cow Ghee improves intelligence and beauty. It is used to treat eye diseases.
  • Cow Urine is effective in treatment of flu, arthritis, bacterial diseases, food poisoning, indigestion, oedema, and leprosy.
  • Panchagavya Mix : Various medical formulations like Panchagavya Ghrita, Amritasara, Ghanavati, Ksharavati, Netrasara etc. are invaluable medicines in Ayurvedic system.

Is it still a coincidence then, that Shiva, in his Divine embodiment uses "Nanadi" as his favourite carrier?

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