Friday, 9 September 2011

Clinical Trials and Case Studies

Many scientific studies have been carried out to understand the  bio-chemical and vibrational changes that occur with regular and intense practice of Shiv Yog. The results of these studies have revealed that all measurable parameters of human health – lipid profile, endocrine system, mineral structure and metabolic pathways show improvements. Research scientists have also extracted the RNA from the blood specimens of sadhaks to determine the changes that are possibly being caused by the activation of the empty spaces in the DNA of the human body. Scientific investigations on the changes in volunteers practicing Shiv Yog are still continuing and would help science understand the infinite capacity and capability of the Shiv Yog Science Beyond Science.

1. Clinial trials conducted in New Delhi during the Shiv Yog Meditation and Healing programme March-April 2010

This shivir had data compilation of two rounds of 23 random samples of sadhaks ranging from 28 to 81years. Two broad types – fully healthy and quite unhealthy i.e. serious chronic diseases. In all 580 parameters were tested for biochemistry, haemotology, microbiology and molecular biology. A team of 8 doctors conducted the analysis twice, since the results were so completely incredible that there were strong doubts of an error. However, even on repeating twice, the results were exactly the same.

Key findings :
All sadhaks benefited but differently depending on what they actually desired:
  • enziomatic activity ; Increase in DNA activity, manifested as enzyme level increase.
  • Glucose metabolism : Sugar absorption equivalent to two hours of treadmill, cross training gym. Therefore,  meditation comes as a very versatile and complete tool maximizing the metabolic rate & the body’s absorption capability. Actually its a spiritual gymnasium is at work.
  • Valium : parameters revealed low stress levels through natural cortezol secretion by the adrenal gland.
  • Blood pressure and ECG : from abnormal to normal by natural valium effect.
  • Renal functions : Kidney secretions – microalbumin, urine creatinin. Improvement in kidney activity.
  • Immunity factors : All related factors showed improvement.
  • Urinary health; improved levels of urine micro albumins, serum creatinin.
  • Liver health – improved parameters

All parameters that clearly showed improvement in all sadhaks were : pulse, blood pressure, blood sugar, urinary health, urine micro albumins, serum and urine  creatinin, liver health, ldl cholesterol, phosphorous, HSCRP, haemoglobin, leucocyte count improvemeni.e. body ability to fight disease which could include cancer) and cortesol level increase, improved. Each and every participant attending the shivir walked out a healthier and happier  person.

Man is fearful today of his heart health. It was seen here that ECG and other related tests showed marked improvement. Abnormal ECGs turned normal or not normal heart health progressed towards normalcy. Out of the 580 tests carried out, 87% parameters were normal for all. This in fact is an indication ofexcellent health since the other 13% don’t necessarily indicate a disease and form part of the few natural factors that may exist and that also we can remove or rather neutralize through the Shiv Yog sadhna. 19 out of range parameters came into range.

There was an overall improvement in immunity related parameters. This refers to Babaji saying that one should create no karma and no disease – and for this Shiv Yog sadhna is automatically creating the immunity factor. We must do meditation every morning to charge our body batteries just as in the case of our cell phones.

Thus, Babaji has given us the authority and now its our responsibility to practice meditation, ,  and give him back sincere and  proper accountability. Changes are apparent and have taken place in everybody.
Doctors say that the 6 days study shows what is possible directionally but the onus of making the changes deep and long  lasting is on the sadhak.

2 Clinical trails conducted in Lucknow during the Shiv Yog Meditation and Healing programme  in June  2010

In Lucknow 23 samples were taken. Whatever the results, they are a proof that not only sadhaks in this shivir, but every Shiv Yog practioner who does meditation is benefiting in different and unique manner. There is no scientific evidence or medical study according to which you can improve your body processes to such an extent that you recover from ailments within 7 days without medical treatment. This is the first time in history that  without medication, without any control on eating and without any exercises. – just sitting in one place and meditating, these changes are found.

Certain factors established beyond doubt :
  • Platelets recreate themselves – RBC, WBC etc. Some volunteers started with body ailments and their low counts increased in 6 days of meditation
  • Physiological capability can increase greatly. We have to understand what exactly happens? It’s the important cortesol, anxiety control hormone  levels that increase considerably. This feel good factor has been proved through actual medical measurement by Wolrd’s most advanced scientific devices. Shiv Yog shows that on a physical level it’s the brain that stimulates, induces greater hormones. Thus, through hormonal activity, the out of range functioning comes into range and brings about harmony and the body starts working normally as it was supposed to originally.
  • Samples have also shown improvement in liver parameters, along with a whole lot of others like urine, blood cells, proteins, triglycerides etc

The secret for continued good health is the Shiv Yog practice.

All sadhaks have benefited greatly. However, the following 4 cases should be specifically mentioned :
  • Blood pressure levels, urine parameters, puss cells, excretion of proteins to improve health, triglyceride level, liver parameters etc have all been significantly improved. This is impossible without surgical and significant medical intervention, in the course of 6 days.
  • Recovery from pain and fever. Improved blood pressure, reduced sugar levels  without any diet control or medication, also reduced levels of – phosphorous, triglycerides, DHEAS, cortezol, thryroid stimulated hormone, - all within normal range.
  • Pain reduction, able to sit better, urine level cleared, also in blood glucose, increased urinary micro albumin & creatinin excretion and decreased cortezol.
  • Completely off medication. Improvement in blood pressure, reduction in triglycerides, DHEAS.

We  can confidently say that if we continue the practice of Shiv Yog  sadhna, it will become a major guide of medical and scientific process in time to come.

3. Miraculous effects of  Shiv Yog meditation in a six day clinical trial “Shiv Yog Nectar of Youth” conducted at Lucknow ashram in the year 2009.

The above was carried out under Dr. Anita Saxena, MD, PhD, Phd (Cambridge) Assistant Professor,Department of Nephrology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow

This shivir, conducted by Shri Ishan Shivanand ji, had beneficial effects on hypertension, diabetes and lipid profile, an effect that cannot be achieved in a short time with the usage of drugs.

Case 1: Shiv Yog helps Female Patient with proven SLE - autoimmune disorder

1Body weight reducedfrom 78.5 to 78 kgs
2Blood pressurePre Shivir 150/88 Post Shivir 142/78
3CholesterolPre Shivir 171 Post shivir 161
4VLDLPre Shivir 66 Post 39.0
5TriglyceridesPre Shivir 398 Post shivir 196

Case 2: Shiv Yog helps a 75 yr old CABG Male patient in post coronary bypass surgery recovery

1Blood PressurePre Shivir 140/80 Post shivir 110/60
2CholesterolPre Shivir 220 Post shivir 148
Pre Shivir 45.6 Post shivir  18.2
4TriglyceridesPre Shivir 228 Post shivir 91.0
5HemoglobinPre Shivir  11.0   Post Shivir 11.4

Case 3: Shiv Yog helps Male patient with Uncontrolled Hypertension and diabetes mellitus, improving blood pressure and kidney parameters

Blood PressurePre Shivir 182/118
Post shivir 160/100
CholesterolPre Shivir 272Post shivir 194
LDLPre Shivir 143Post shivir 117
Kidney functionGFR  Pre Shivir 61ml/minutePost shivir 82 ml/minute
Association of body water with hypertension
Total Body waterPre Shivir 57.15 litresPost shivir 36.83 litres
Intracellular waterPre Shivir 15.72Post shivir 19.22
Fat Free MassPre shivir 60.67 
Post Shivir 50.85  (decreased because total body water decreased)

Case 4: Shiv Yog brings marked reduction in systolic blood pressure of a Male sadhak

Body weightPre shivir 65kg         
Post Shivir  63 kg
Blood PressurePre Shivir 152/88     Post shivir 128/88
CholesterolPre Shivir 207Post shivir 197
TriglyceridesPre Shivir 188Post shivir 181

Case 5: Shiv Yog improves  lipid profile of a Male sadhak leading to reduction in the cardiac risk factors

Body weightPre shivir 104kg    
Post Shivir  103 kg
CholesterolPre Shivir 185       Post shivir 162
LDLPre Shivir 129Post shivir  98
VLDLPre Shivir 35.2      Post shivir  33.6
HemoglobinPre Shivir   9.3             Post shivir  10.4

Case studies

1. Shiv Yog helps in miraculous recovery from Cancer: 
Mrs. Geeta Mahendra Shah (50 Years) from Thane (Mumbai). Diagnosed very advanced stage (IV) of infiltrating (sensitive/dense) Metastasis (Cancer) of Ductal Carcinoma with Perinodal Extension up to Tissue, Axillary Nodes & Lympho vascular emboli in Jan 2007. On 10 Feb 2007, she had ® Carcinoma Breast+®Lumpectomy+Frozen Section+ ® MRM breast surgeries. She had a very high doze of Chemotherapy (8 cycles) and high frequency Radiation (20 cycles). She also had Molecular Pathology FISH test report positive with ratio of HER2/neu and CEP 17 > 2.2. TATA  Hospital doctors’ life saving advice was Herceptin Chemotherapy 20 day treatment cycle for one year. Herceptin Drugs treatment quoted at Rs. 40, 00,000/- with only 7% success rate.

The patient heard about Shiv Yog on the television. She attended the Shiv Yog Samadhi Shivir at Rishikesh in  Dec 2008. Miraculously there was complete recovery without taking any medical treatment. During periodical follow-up with TATA Hospital PET CT scan reports dated 29.10.2009 declared  “No evidence suggestive of active disease.” 

To view the report click here

2. Shiv Yog helps in recovery from Auto Immune disorder : 
Mr. Arun Kumar Goel had a rare degenerative disease where the disease eats into the skin. The patient couldn’t stand on his feet as they would start bleeding profusely. He attended the complete 6 day shivir and experienced remarkable recovery and is enjoying excellent health thereafter.

3. Shiv Yog helps in recovery from quadruple bypass, severe diabetes and replaced ball-joint
problem :

Mr.  Ashok from South Africa was a patient ofquadruple bypass , diabetes and a couple of replaced ball-joints after a serious motor car accident. However, after participating in the New Delhi Shiv Yog shivir in 2010, he was feeling wonderful, physically energetic, with change in sugar levels and had not required insulin during the shivir. His reports showed an improvement in all parameters – blood pressure, sugar, greater enzyme activity,  increase in globulence level, potassium level from abnormal to normal, and less stress indicated through cortesol levels. ECG, heart rate and other parameters also within normal range.

4. Shiv Yog helps in recovery from severe Swine flu even though patient is put on ventilator and hasTracheostomy performed:
On 28th October, 2009 Mrs MA, a 52 year old housewife was presented with fever, sore throat and cough of 2 days (Swine Flu) duration . Her chest was full of signs and an x-ray chest was done.  Her x-ray showed bilateral massive infiltration in lungs. Her SpO2 was 84%. She was immediately hospitalised and intensive treatment begun. Guru’s blessings and presence invoked and Intense ‘healing’ sessions were held bedside. Past midnight she had to be put on Ventilator. Her lung function was deteriorating rapidly. Bilateral pneumonitis was established. H1N1 could not be detected.

On 30th October she was shifted to a reputed hospital in Delhi. Distance intense healing sessions continued at Lucknow.
Day 4- 1st November - she was found H1N1 Positive. 
She was placed in isolation ward. ‘Healing’ sessions continued. Ventilatory support intensified.Day 6- 3rd November – family lost hope.  ‘Healing’ sessions intensified.         Day 7- 4th November – Doctors pessimistic. Rapid overall deterioration in multiple organ systems.‘Healing’ continued.
Day 12- 9th November – Tracheostomy performed 
- a specialised procedure where a slit is made in the throat to intubate, when a prolonged Ventilatory support is expected. Special prayers and ‘Healing’ continued.       Day 13- 10th NovemberSudden marked IMPROVEMENT in patient’s condition. Doctors wondered on their decision to perform tracheostomy.Day 14- 11th November - weaning off ventilator begins. ‘Healing’ sessions unabated.
Day 15- 12th November - patient off the ventilator.Day 25- 22nd November - hospital ready to discharge their FIRST Swine Flu Patient.This Hospital was granted permission to admit and treat H1N1 positive patients only recently.
Day 27- 24th November - patient back in Lucknow. The only one to come out alive and healthy during this duration of more than 3 weeks.
A combined effort by providing medical treatment and intense healing energy of Shiv Yog Sanjeevani shakti with the grace of Babaji, made this remarkable recovery possible.
(Healing to the above patient was given by Dr Neeraj Bhasin, MD, Medicine, Lucknow.)

5. Shiv Yog helps in recovery from an acute MI : 
An emergency case of acute MI (heart). Available medication and Shiv Yog healing started.  In half an hour, the patient felt better and was shifted to hospital. The ECG showed MI changes and anangiography was recommended.  However, the next day, when the ECG was taken the changes had been reversed.
(Healing to the above patient was given by Dr Neeraj Bhasin, MD, Medicine, Lucknow.)

6. Shiv Yog helps in recovery from Pancreatitis :
In December 2008, there was an out station emergency of acute Pancreatitis with the patient being administered oxygen.  Dr Bhasin and his wife started immediate distant Shiv Yog healing, while attending athe Rishikesh shivir. The patient was moved to Gangaram hospital in Delhi. Next day itself, his CT abdomen showed normal pancreas which is impossible, without surgical intervention. The following day the patient was discharged, sent back to Lucknow and is still healthy.

7. Shiv Yog helps in recovery from infertility:
a) Nargis sec.amenorrhea- 4yrs, sec. sterlity-8 yrs. Previously treated by many gynaecologists and even the victim of wrong medication by RMP doctor. Important Inv. 3rd day LH-29.1miu,  FSH-7.5MIU; PRL-5.3MIU. Started menstruating normally and was given drugs for inductions of ovulation under ultrasound guidance but all her cycles were anovulatory. Her follicles were monitored continuously by 3 different ultrasonologists and the reports were the same. She conceived the same month, when conception was a remote possibility. When she had  missed her period, her UPT was + . 10 days later again +. She had conceived.
To view the report click here

b) Dr. Sangita Deol, Dental surgeon. A case of Elderly Primi and Habitual Abortion When her USG was done, G.Sac was on the verge of expulsion. She was already told by the a  reputed gynae about the miscarriage. After 5-6 spontaneous abortions, she is now blessed with a  healthy baby.

c) Rizwana marital life -18 yrs ,a  case of pr.sterlity Delivered a baby.

d) Aarti a migrant from Bihar, a case of sec.sterlity-6 yrs., blessed with twin pregnancy.
(Healing to the above patients was given by  Dr.Sangeeta Agrawal, senior Gynaecologist).

1 comment:

  1. Namah Shivay Vishal,
    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation of medical miracles of ShivYog. I see that the links given to view the reports are not working. I am also doing research on ShivYog, it would be very helpful for reference, if you you provide links for the actual medical trial reports of Shivyog. I would be grateful. Thank you. Namah Shivay
