Friday, 9 September 2011

Healing Humanity

The Human being is so completely caught up in trying to meet the ever rising material demands that he has totally lost track of where it all began. The beginning – the reason for this rat race was for the achievement of an overall good life – health, wealth and happiness. However, this still seems far from reach.

We have totally forgotten the purpose of this human birth. Babaji says that we all are a being of light and we have taken birth on this planet to experience the best of the best the planet earth can offer. He wants to clear the misconception that is harbored by the masses that the human life has to be filled with suffering and misery. It is only our ignorance due to which we have created suffering for ourselves and once the ignorance is removed and our inner energy is activated, we can create a life of our dreams and fulfill the purpose of taking human birth.

Babaji is leaving no stone unturned to awaken us from our slumber and remind us of the Infinite potential that is lying dormant in each one of us. In his mission to heal humanity he is spreading the sacred wisdom of the Ancient Indian Siddhas to the masses, knowledge and power that was never given to a common man before. He is not only conducting Mass Healing sessions where thousands of people get healed of all kind of circumstances and ailments but he is also giving the sacred Sanjeevani Shakti to one and all so that they become independent and can help themselves and others to overcome their sufferings. This Sanjeevani Shakti is capable of burning all kinds of miseries and sufferings. Babaji says that the Divine has made me the Carrier of this Divine Light – the Sanjeevani Shakti and given me the responsibility to spread this Divine Light to alleviate the sufferings of the fellow beings. He further says that, “if I alone carry the Divine Light and heal people, then how many can I benefit? But if I awaken this Divine Light of Sanjeevani Shakti in everyone who is coming to me then this energy can reach one and all”.

Babaji is also reminding us about the true nature of our Self. He says that it is the nature of the Soul to give Unconditional Love. During the Shiv Yog meditation sessions, purification happens and a total transformation takes place. Apart from being healed physically, sadhaks also experience a blissful state of mind and feel the continuous flow of the Unconditional Love from their heart. Babaji says that the only way to achieve world peace and harmony is by making the relationships in individual families peaceful, harmonious and loving. Babaji lays great emphasis on giving Unconditional Love to our family members. In the time when the relationships have become so fragile, whether it is a husband wife relationship or a parent child relationship. He says that we have not taken birth alone but we have taken birth with a set of other Souls whom he calls our Soul Group and we are born together to experience the exchange of unconditional love. When our hearts are opened and we start giving unconditional love we experience the Rising in Love i.e. Ascension or spiritual elevation. True spirituality according to Babaji is not in worshipping God in stone idols but in worshipping and loving the living God that is within each one of us.

By showering this Grace, Babaji is awakening the general masses all over the world, to their hidden potential by virtue of which, every human being on this planet earth can actually attain a happy, blissful life and very easily be the creator of his own destiny.

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