Friday, 9 September 2011

Increasing Use of SHIV YOG in the Medical Domain

Babaji’s sadhaks include a large number of doctors and scientists who have experienced the power ofScience Beyond Science in their daily life. They are now using their experience and knowledge in the treatment of their patients. In a leading cancer hospital in Delhi, Shiv Yog chants are played on the Public Address system of the hospital for long hours to help alter the vibrational levels and change the negative energy associated with pain, depression and trauma into a positive healing energy. Surgeons trained in Shiv Yog techniques reinforce and enhance their surgical methods and procedures with the Divine Cosmic Energy and are reporting significantly improved results in their interventions and treatments. Treating physicians are successfully empowering medicines and prescriptions with the healing energies of Shiv Yog. They have to their surprise found significant improvements in the pace and efficacy of their treatments.

Views of Medical Professionals and Scientists on Shiv Yog

Dr. Sanjeev K Chaudhary, Chief Executive Officer, SRL Ranbaxy Ltd
“I can confidently say that Babaji has connected us with a new vision, that we can do anything we want. In normal course, science and medical science accept incurability, but actually that is our own limitation, since we don’t know what the cure is. To transform the incurable into curable is only possible through Shiv Yog. Babaji has an interesting hypothesis that nothing is incurable. If we have the weapon of meditation, the incurable becomes curable. Our team of doctors have requested Babaji to allow this study to continue to higher levels with the participation of doctors to benefit mankind”

“Shiv Yog has a natural valium effect. Shiv Yog Meditation secretes natural steroids which make it possible for the body to achieve things that are impossible for a normal person. Babaji has simplified the meditation and said that 21days of practice will bring a lot of changes in our lives. We see Babaji’s favourite sentences, while referring to Shiv Yog, being reflected from a medical point of view. One is “Aham Brahamasmi” and the other “Tum chahte kya ho?” The path recommended is that of meditation with complete faith, devotion and emotion and no negative thoughts”.

Dr. K. E. Raman, Director, BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus
“I was introduced to Babaji through TV programmes and was interested in knowing more. Adi Shankaracharya said that there are three things that are difficult to get in life. You can get them only with God’s grace. These are: birth as a human being, longing for liberation and the grace of a great Guru. Goa people who have come here have been blessed with God’s grace, because they have got direct guidance from Babaji. In the first lecture itself, many people have been cured by the healing power of Babaji. Second day I could see Babaji sending his positive energy to people and I could see the metamorphosis going on in the auditorium.You have to see to believe and I saw that with my own eyes. I could not attend the other sessions but saw that when people come out of the auditorium, they are all bubbling with energy. I think Babaji is doing a great service to humanity by his healing powers, by His Grace and by sending the positive energy, guiding people to meditate upon the various chakras, he is healing them and is guiding them to lead their righteous life, their spiritual life. It’s a great boon that we all have. This campus with 2000 students, I am sure is now vibrating with divine power. We are able to see the divine energy which is flowing in all directions. Babaji’s service for humanity must go on and on and for this whatever thing we could so we are very happy to contribute.

Padamshree, Dr Rajan Saxena, Head, Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi P.G.I., Lucknow
Dr. Saxena is a renowned Gastro surgeon who has been awarded the Padamshree, the National award in India, for his work. He has cured hundreds of liver patients but it was ironic that when his own liver failed, conventional medicine could not help him. It was the healing from a Shiv Yog sadhak, that saved his life.

“When he treats you with cosmic energy, if you are a sensitive individual, you can feel the energy flowing into your body. The vibrations are of that magnitude that your hands and your body feel the vibrations and the site at which they are directed and intended, you can feel that somebody is touching it and doing something there. On several occasions,I felt somebody touch my liver and heal it. Not that I am a doctor and know where the liver is but know where the movement is going on and what could be there is the liver. Everything started improving. The physical part would progress slowly since the disease had progressed pretty far. Things have improved to such a degree that I am back to full time work”.

Dr Neeraj Bhasin, M.D., Medicine, Lucknow
I often found situations limiting my ability to heal and cure. Then Babaji appeared. He taught me how and where the disease originates, how healing takes place. He also taught me how in Shiv Yog, we connect with the Infinite and heal.

“My connection with my patients is directed to change their intercellular memory. This is what Babaji tells us about space and the psychic memory that patients carry. We have to take our profession beyond the limitations which we face.

Shivyog is a “Way of Life”Health is a parameter in which changes can be easily appreciated and monitored in a short period. Therefore, the effects ofhealing on ailments are easy to demonstrate. The ‘Shivyog Process’ of cleansing and purifying, has amazing healing results as by-products. The Guru’s grace transforms negative energy into divine healing energy and helps it flow through a sadhak for healing the ailing world. Healing takes place in all aspects of life, and health is automatically restored.

Babaji also instills in us a good intent message that goes to the Cosmic Consciousness and materializes what we want.

Need of the hour is that more and more doctors seek Babaji’s blessings and take to the Shivyog Way of Life to learn the Science Beyond Science of medicine from Parampujiya Babaji, and attain fulfilment and bliss in personal and professional life.

Dr Shashi Satija, Gynaecologist and Chief Medical Officer 
“I have been practicing Sanjeevani and Shambhavievery morning and evening. I give Sanjeevani and Shambhavi to all my patients coming in labour painand also to their babies. This results in easy deliveries. The cesarean rate has also gone down considerably.

Dr Ashish Tewari from Jabalpur – a Child specialist – Pediatrician
“ I start the day with meditation, send healing andShambhavi to the clinic and the Day Care centre on the first floor. The patients in the clinic on the first floor started getting healed much faster. The clinic, my main source of income, was soon empty.However, my OPD downstairs got more busy. The number of patients increased day by day and so did the income. I then planned to convert the clinic on the first floor into a holistic healing centre. I was happy that I no longer had the tensions of the Day Care centre patients”.

Dr Rajendra, Eye Surgeon, Lucknow
I had almost lost vision of the left eye. I was treated first in Lucknow, then in AIIMS (Delhi). Theblack spot during the shivir had reduced and I was gaining vision. I was also a diabetic since 5 years which got cured. I had a low back pain and could not sit on the floor since 30 years. It is absolutely ok now”

Brig. Dr. Ratanchandani – Indian Army 
“Have a damage in the rt side of my heart and a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I came with enormous breathing problems. Babaji gave Sanjeevani shakti for 5 minutes and I felt better. My medicine dose is greatly reduced. I have been blessed with Sanjeevani Shakti and I do my own healing.

Dr. T Govindsingh : Head of Wellness Division – Apollo Hospitals – Hyderabad
Dr. T Govindsingh  had a very divine experience during Shiv Yog meditation. To know more about it,click on the Video to play.

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