Friday, 9 September 2011

Shiv Yog is the Science of Shiva – the Science Beyond Science

Shiv Yog is the Science of Shiva – the Science Beyond Science.

Many scientists, researchers and doctors were very surprised when His Holiness Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji used the term Science Beyond Science to describe Shiv Yog. As the deeper significance of this description was not so obvious, the descriptor Science Beyond Science was greeted with part curiosity and part scepticism. It was logical for the scientific community to ask as to what could possibly be beyond science itself? Science was always seen by scientists to be the domain of scientists and not of the spiritual Gurus.

Until Science Beyond Science was coined, Shiv Yog was perceived and seen basically as a spiritual programme taught by a Siddha Master (lineage of enlightened masters in India). While Shiv Yog was gaining popularity in all parts of India and abroad, because of its unique powerful message of self empowerment, it was largely seen as a programme that empowered and encouraged seekers to tap into their innate healing talents and capabilities. Babaji has been progressively and regularly revealing the multiple layers, mysteries and secrets of Shiv Yog.

SHIV YOG – The Science Beyond Science

Shiv Yog, as Babaji explains is the process of uniting with the Infinite Consciousness. Shiv is the Infinity, as also the Infinite Consciousness. The Yog in Shiv Yog is the process of awakening the infinite potential of a human being through invocation with reverence and absorption of the divine energy.

Every part and organ of the human body is in a state of vibration. The objective of Shiv Yog is to increase the pace of vibration to align it to the vibrational level of SHOONYA. Any organ or system of the body that does not vibrate at the requisite pace tends to attract a disease. While the disturbance in the pattern of vibration could be caused by a multitude of factors – karmic or otherwise, the end result of the disturbance is the disease.

What is Science Beyond Science?

So what exactly is Science Beyond Science? In general, Science is defined as a process that helps researchers solve the mysteries of life. There are various branches of the study of science, various forms of matter and energy and their interplay. Science has been able to fractionate even sub atomic particles like the photon, only to discover that the most abundant constituent of any structure, including a nano particle is Space. While scientists have achieved this understanding after considerable effort and research, Poojya Babaji has been emphasising since the very beginning that, the secret of universal power is actually in the empty space called SHOONYA. The cosmic consciousness pervades the SHOONYA as its sole inhabitant.

Everything in the universe originates first at the vibrational plane (Babaji uses the term Spandan) and then goes on to convert into energy and finally has a form that we call matter. SHOONYA or emptiness or nothingness is the substrate of everything that exists. It is indeed the SHOONYA, that is the reservoir of all energy and infinite wisdom.

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